Case Studies
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Case Study
NCS Delivers Full Route Accounting Solution for McArthur Dairy in Just Seven Weeks
McArthur Dairy is a leading supplier of dairy products to South Florida and the Caribbean Islands.
Originally part of Dean Food’s family and a vital distributor in the region, Cream-O-Land Dairy acquired managing control of McArthur Dairy During June 2020.
McArthur had been running Dean Food’s proprietary systems on IBM I-Series (ne AS400) equipment. They liked the reliability and security of the IBM I-Series, but they wanted something that adapted better to their business and was less costly to maintain.
The new system needed to be fully functional at McArthur Dairy by Aug 31st to avoid significant additional financial obligations.
Case Study
Cream-O-Land Dairy Pushes the Limits of Direct Store Delivery Technology with Numeric Computer Systems
Founded in 1934 by Samuel Schneier, Cream-O-Land Dairy delivered the finest and freshest dairy products to small grocery stores and homes in the New Brunswick, New Jersey area. Fast forward 70 years and today the dairy remains a family business, run by Jay and Robert Schneier, Samuel’s grandchildren. The Schneier’s have helped the dairy grow significantly by expanding their service area and delivering to 8,000 of the finest grocery stores, food service companies, independent supermarkets, schools, and colleges throughout New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Connecticut, Florida, and the Caribbean.

Case Study
Holsum de Puerto Rico
By the mid-1990s Holsum knew that in order to get the most of their handheld technology investment, maximize its functionality, and “tap” all the information that the system could provide, they would need to replace their homegrown systems with a true route accounting application that supported the specific requirements of the baking industry. A search among software vendors was performed and NCS was chosen based on their knowledge of the route management and Direct Store Delivery or DSD arena and their leadership and strength in the area of Information Systems Technology.

Case Study
The NAXML Advantage - Rutter's Farm Stores
Rutter’s Farm Stores (York, PA) were faced with increasing store level inefficiencies caused by manual processes during product receipt. Faced with multiple vendors, more than a thousand DSD SKU’s, and manual entry of the invoices by store management, they needed to drive costs out of their supply chain. Rutter also owns a dairy. Rutter’s shared ownership provided a perfect opportunity to bring supply chain efficiency to both its companies. Rutter’s management teamed up with NCS – Numeric Computer Systems, Inc of Hauppauge, NY to implement a method to electronically deliver invoices via the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) developed XML standard language called NAXML.